Wednesday, November 11, 2009

8 parts of speech

10 Nouns: Adam, Chauncey, Miles, Patrick, Joe, leaves, table, laptop, chair, and backpack.

5 Adjectives: smelly, nice, ugly, pretty, and mean.

3 Adverbs: Quickly, slowly, and gently

2 Conjunctions: and, an

3 Verbs: jumping, run, and climb.

2 prepositions: after, on

1 Interjection: Ahh!

2 Pronouns: it, this

Adam, Chauncey, Miles, Patrick, and Joe, play in the leaves. They went in side and sat in their chairs, and pulled out there laptops from there backpacks, and sat them on the table. Adam was nice, Chauncey was smelly, Miles was ugly, Patrick was mean, and Joe was pretty. An Joe was trying slapped Miles gently, Miles was trying to run quickly, and climb a tree, but ran slowly. Then when he slapped Miles. Miles shouted. Ahh! Miles jumped up and down screaming.