Friday, January 22, 2010
Comma What
Monday, January 11, 2010
Literary elements

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Story Spinner: Option 1

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
8 parts of speech
10 Nouns: Adam, Chauncey, Miles, Patrick, Joe, leaves, table, laptop, chair, and backpack.
5 Adjectives: smelly, nice, ugly, pretty, and mean.
3 Adverbs: Quickly, slowly, and gently
2 Conjunctions: and, an
3 Verbs: jumping, run, and climb.
2 prepositions: after, on
1 Interjection: Ahh!
2 Pronouns: it, this
Adam, Chauncey, Miles, Patrick, and Joe, play in the leaves. They went in side and sat in their chairs, and pulled out there laptops from there backpacks, and sat them on the table. Adam was nice, Chauncey was smelly, Miles was ugly, Patrick was mean, and Joe was pretty. An Joe was trying slapped Miles gently, Miles was trying to run quickly, and climb a tree, but ran slowly. Then when he slapped Miles. Miles shouted. Ahh! Miles jumped up and down screaming.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Shakespeare language
Friday, September 11, 2009

I can't really remember very much I just remember that my mom was crying and thats all I really remember. I do think that we will still be remedied of this incident. I think the terrorists where just wanting to try to destroy the strongest country but this event actually made us stronger. No I didn't know any body that had family or friends that were there. My point of view would be the family's that had family members on the plane, and it would be about how me and my family felt about this, and just how it made us stronger.